The Maker CEO Weekly Sales System

People love to buy, but they hate to make decisions. 

That’s the great paradox of sales, and it’s the first obstacle you’ll need to overcome to get your audience to take action and actually give you money

Too many options create confusion, and a confused buyer doesn't buy. If they have to use mental energy or make a decision... they won't, they’ll just scroll past and be gone. 

The key is to answer all of their questions before they even ask. The only decision you should ever require them to make is yes or no - and they can only do that if they have all the info they need upfront.

The way we do that in sales is by creating OFFERS (see below).

Every Monday inside The Maker Revolution, you’ll get a new offer template delivered to your inbox, so that you can use it to generate sales for that week

Each offer template is designed to plug directly into the MCEO Weekly Sales System so that you always have a fresh offer in front of your audience.

The goal of each weekly offer template is to give you the tools you need to (at the very least) generate enough sales to recoup your entire yearly subscription cost every single week.

Your offer template will include suggestions for choosing which of your products to incorporate into each offer, and you’ll also get a fill-in-the-blank template for exactly what to say and how to present your offer, whether it be via email, social media, or in person at an event.

The days of “Comment Sold” are over. If a buyer has to contact you, and then wait for a response, to make a purchase, they won’t. If they have to message you to find out how/where to purchase, they won’t. If they have to dig around your Facebook post, website, or email to find out how to purchase, they won’t. If they have to expend any energy at all or make any decisions, they won’t. 

If your audience doesn’t get all the info they need to purchase in the 3 seconds that you have their attention, they will just click, scroll, or walk past - and be gone.

Even before COVID, buyers were using the “Buy Now” button on sites like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay, but now that we have curbside shopping available for just about everything, there is no excuse for not making the sales process as frictionless as possible for your audience.

The good news is that when you make it super easy for your customer, it becomes super easy for you too. 


The backbone of the Maker CEO Weekly Sales System is the OFFER, and everything else revolves around that. 

Offers are created for ONE specific product (or category) at a time. For example; you could create an offer for all of your 20 oz candles (specific product) OR all of your new Spring candles (specific category).

This doesn’t mean that you only have one product for sale at a time - it just means that you are highlighting one offer at a time. Everything else is still available, all the time.


An offer tells your audience WHAT to buy, HOW to buy it, WHERE to buy it, WHEN they'll get it, and WHY they should buy it TODAY. 

An offer makes their life easier by turning the sales process into a buying experience that feels more like a service.

When you can do that - not only will they buy TODAY, but they will seek you out in the future because you have made it so easy and pleasurable. Now there is something in it for them.

Offers make your life easier because when you give your audience all the info they need up front (and a mechanism by which to pay for it) you eliminate the need for them to message or contact you for details

Thereby eliminating the need to constantly monitor your comments, DMs, and inbox all day, every day.

An offer also clearly defines the steps of the buying process, and sets clear expectations for both the buyer and the seller, so that there are no surprises for anyone.


  • Offers enable you to always get paid upfront.

  • Offers make the sales process 1000% easier for you AND the buyer. 

  • Offers create a win-win for both the buyer and seller.

  • Offers always benefit you more than the buyer.

  • Offers teach your audience how to buy from you.

  • Offers get your audience to pay attention.

  • Offers create a sense of anticipation for the buyer.

  • Offers appeal to universal human behavior.

  • Offers give structure to your business.

  • Offers simplify your entire business model.

  • Offers allow room for automation in your business.

  • Offers allow you to plan, forecast, and stack your sales. 

  • Offers allow you to take time off when you want/need to.

  • Offers work for any product-based business.

  • Offers can be easily implemented by anyone.

  • Offers are based on principles, not trends or algorithms. 

  • Offers work anywhere; online, by email, or in person.


There are ten cardinal rules for offer creation, and they all need to be in place for your offers to work effectively. Let’s take a look at those, then I’ll share my all-time favorite offer template so that you can start generating some sales TODAY!

#1) Never use flat discounts or ‘sales’ because there is nothing in it for you - you will lose money no matter what.

#2) Always get paid upfront. Period.

#3) Make sure the offer benefits you MORE than it benefits the buyer. 

#4) The offer has to make sense for you and your unique business - only you can decide that. 

#5) Promote ONE offer at a time; keep it simple, trust the process, and don’t overcomplicate it.

#6) Pricing IS marketing - and it’s the most effective tool in your arsenal.

#7) There is no magic pricing formula; if you follow a static formula for pricing, you are (quite literally) selling yourself short.

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